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Recently archaeologists from Xinjiang archaeological team of Archaeological Institute, subordinated to Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, recently discovered a strange tomb formed by black and white stones in a flatland near the Tashikuergan River in Xinjiang province.

Fist-sized black and white stones are alternatively lying on the 100-meter b......
Over 100 cultural relics have been salvaged from the "Nan'ao No. One," a Ming Dynasty merchant vessel, since archaeological teams began salvage operations on April 9, 2010. Reporters learned that on April 10, underwater archaeological teams retrieved the muddy cultural relics scattered throughout the shipwreck and salvaged over 100 of them. Most ......

八里张家石墓群发掘现场全景。(刘辉 摄)
   近日,文登市文物考古工作又获重大突破,环山街道办事处八里张家元代石墓抢救性考古发掘工作目前已顺利结束,共清理墓葬62座,出土文物百余件,石刻37件,是文登市继2007年崮头集石墓群考古发掘后又一次较大规模的发掘工作,也是文登乃至胶东地区有史以来规模最大的一次石墓考古发掘。 (记者 张新青)...

〇调查与发掘陕西商洛市东龙山遗址仰韶与龙山时代遗存发掘简报……………………………………………………………………陕西省考古研究院  商洛市博物馆(3)河南洛阳市润阳广场C1M9950号东周墓葬的发掘……………………………………………………………………………………………洛阳市文物工作队(18)重庆忠县石匣子和洞天堡战国墓地发掘简报………………………………………......
      From March 2006 to December 2009, archaeological surveying, mapping and excavation to the Lü Clan Cemetery of the Northern Song Dynasty at Wulitou Village, Lantian County was conducted by Shannxi Provincial Institute of Archaeology and Xi’an Municipal Institute of Cultural Relics Preservation and Archaeology. Archaeologists unearthed tota......
Paleontologists in east China's Anhui Province have unearthed thousands of pieces of plant fossils which could date back to the Sinian Period about 600 million years ago, a spokesman with the government information office of Xiuning County, where the fossils were found, said Monday.The plants lived in the warm shallow sea that used to cover Xiuning......
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