中国考古 为您搜到的结果 约有41546项符合 的查询结果, 如下是第 1-10 项(搜索用时0.102秒)
      On July 30, 2009, Prof. Wang Wei (Director-General of the Institute) and Prof. Chen Xingcan (Deputy Director-Genera) met Ms Helena Kolenda, General-Director of the Asian Department, Henry Luce Foundation. On behalf of the Institute of Archaeology, Prof. Wang Wei expressed sincere thanks to the continuous supports from Henry Luce Fo......
Museum Management
【Author】 Hans Manneby1 WANG Qi-zhi2(1.ICOM Sweden;2.Nanjing Museum, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210016)
【Abstract】 High-quality management and operations are the necessary conditions to meet the demands and requirements from visitors and users. The improving of management level, including a series of steps and activities such as goal m......
Archaeologists in north China's Shanxi Province have discovered an ancient canteen that is believed to have been used during the Battle of Changping (262 BC).
The Battle of Changping was one of ten decisive battles that would reshape the country's central region during the Warring States period (475-221 BC).
The canteen is believed to date back t......

  (记者 刘晓霞 实习生 徐莹)从5月初开始,在沈海高速复线漳州段,考古工作人员先后发现了5座距今约3000年的商周时期墓葬,并出土大量陶器。昨日,这些陶器被送往厦门大学进行后期的修复工作。
May 10th, 2011: CPPCC Vice Chairman and Vice President of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences President Chen Kuiyuan listened to the report on a comprehensive survey of the Mongolian origin and Yuan Imperial Mausoleum research launched by Institute of Archaeology CASS and Hulunbuir local government. Who participated the report included Wang Wei, the......
    Keywords: Tinglin  Shanghai  Liangzhu Culture 
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