中国考古 为您搜到的结果 约有41546项符合 的查询结果, 如下是第 1-10 项(搜索用时0.478秒)
Archeologists working on the latest dig at the site of the Terracotta Warriors in Xi'an say the project has already turned up vital historical finds.
Experts restarted work on the No 1 pit of the Terracotta Warriors in 2009 and have so far unearthed 310 artifacts, including parts of chariots, weapons and tools, along with 12 pottery horses in thr......
Beijing's Palace Museum has catalogued its entire collection of 1,807,558 pieces of cultural relics, the museum's curator has said.
After over seven years of efforts, the museum has catalogued all of the relics in its archives, including about 53,000 paintings, 75,000 calligraphy works, 16,000 pieces of copperware and 10,000 sculptures, said Shan......
Main    ContentsZhao Binfu Ren Ruibo Du ZhanweiExplanation on the Xiaoheyan Culture     .................................   10Liu juA Preliminary Study on the Juenu Tribe, Its Rise and Decline .......................................................................... 51Xiao AiminThe Inherit System of the Turkic Khan—View on the Turkic Khanate,the ......

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The Empress Dowager Cixi watched some 260 operas at the grand theater in the Summer Palace. It is now restored to its former glory and opened to the public.For the first time in more than a century, the sound of Peking Opera fills the grand theater in the Garden of Virtuous Harmony (De He Yuan) in the Summer Palace. The biggest opera theater of t......







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