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An ancient site was discovered in spring, 2003, when Yangzhou City was enlarging and refurbishing the west section of Caohe Avenue. Built entirely by large stone slabs, the site is located southeast of where the Yudai River and Caohe River converge. Yangzhou city archaeological team immediately conducted a test excavation. Thereafter they confirmed......
KAOGU(Archaeology)No. 2, 2005
Main Contents
Hebei Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics et al., 1999 Excavation on the Gejiazhuang Sitein Xingtai City, Hebei --------------------------------------------------------------------------------( 3 )Shaanxi Shangluo Prefectural Archaeological Team, Tombs of the Warring States Periodat Juanling in Shanya......
KaoguXuebao 2005-2
A BRIEF RESEARCH ON THE ORIGIN OF THE EARLY FLAT-BOTTOMED AMPHORAS FROM SOUTHWEST CHINA AND THEIR ETHNIC ATTRIBUTEbyXie Chong’anThe rock-cut tomb and cist burial culture prevailed once in ancient southwest China. There have long been many discrepancies of views on its origin, evolution, periodization and ethnic attribution in ac......

  河南报业网讯(记者陈茁)记者日前从省文物考古研究所获悉,省文物考古研究所新郑工作站近日在郑韩故城考古中有重要发现,在发掘的唐宋墓葬中出土了一批制作精美、造型别致的瓷器和10个非常精致的瓷骰子。   据了解,这批唐宋墓葬较为规整地分布在一处南北长40米、东西宽25米的近长方形地带内,在这一区域内共清理出101座墓葬。随葬品多为1~2件瓷器,少数墓葬随葬......
Main Contents and Abstracts
Hu Jinhua and Ji Yankun,
Arrangement of the Cultural Relics Unearthed from the Stone Tomb at Diaoyutai Village, Tang County, Hebei Province    (4)
【Abstract】In 1996, the stone tomb at Diaoyutai at Tang County was discovered. Including several golden and stone wares, the unearthed relics are mainly bronzes. The st......

The world's oldest national public museum, the British Museum, will display part of its collection in China for the first time this month. 
Exhibits covering a vast range of time from 2 million years ago to the present can be viewed at Capital Museum of Beijing from March 18.
A total of 272 priceless articles, collected from the world's fi......
       省市考古工作者连日来在丹阳珥陵镇太子庙村发掘出一座完整的东汉古墓,从中出土了大量保存完好的青铜器、瓷器、陶器。其中,一件随葬东汉青铜矛堪称价值连城。  据悉,该矛刚重现天日时,刃口依旧锋利无比、寒气逼人,后遇空气腐化;矛身铸有精美花纹,线条简约流畅、凝重坚实,刃部打磨纹理细腻,制造工艺水平极高。令人惊奇的是,青铜矛始见于春秋早期,全盛时期是战......
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