中国考古 为您搜到的结果 约有41546项符合 的查询结果, 如下是第 1-10 项(搜索用时0.086秒)

     local archeologists found a Buddihist pagoda in Yanzhou, east China's Shandong Province. They found a number of Buddhist relics including gilt silver coffin, golden bottles and other religious objects along with a stele recording the history of the pagoda and the holy relics that can be traced back to Song Dynasty (960-1279 A.D.). The fin......
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Archaeological Research Department, Shanghai Museum, 2001—2005 Excavation on the Guangfulin 
Site in Songjiang District, Shanghai ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------( 3 )
Anyang Municipal Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology, Shang Tomb 5 Southeast of 
Guojiazhuang within Y......




山东博兴县利戴遗址清理简报    博兴县文物管理所   (3)





陕西省大遗址保护新理念的探索与实践    赵荣   (3)

(陕西省文物局, 陕西 西安市)


古迹遗址的文化形象再现——对古迹遗址展示利用形式的思考    郑育林   (8)

(西安市文物局, 陕西 西安市)


2008年陕西省考古研究院考古调查发掘新收获     陕西省考古研究所   (13)

(陕西 西安市)



    The back part of China's largest bronze horse, excavated at the end of 2008 from a tomb of Wei or Jin Dynasties, dating back 1,700 years, was destroyed. But now, through half a year's efforts of archaeologists, the horse statue has been successfully repaired as a whole. 

The 162-cm-tall and 161-cm-high relic weighed a ton before being repair......
Monday marks the World Heritage Day. Chinese experts started a restoration project to save a rock carving statue in Southwest China on this special day. After three years of experiments, a special fibre is chosen as the perfect element to connect the fallen hands of the 1,000 armed Goddess of Mercy.
These are the broken hands that have fallen fro......
关键词:古代食谱分析 淀粉粒分析 西山遗址 喇家遗址 科技考古KEYWORDS: Ancient Diet Analyses  Starch Grain Analyses  Xishan Site  Lajia Site Scientific ArchaeologyABSTRACT: The grinding and heating experiments to some starchy grains in various methods revealed the morphological alterations of starch granules during relevant food processing procedures. ......
    2010年11月2日至11月7日,应日本壃原考古研究所和明治大学的邀请,中国社会科学院考古研究所所长王巍赴日本参加两个国际学术研讨会。    11月3日,王巍所长在奈良县疆原市参加了主题为“东亚地区三到四世纪的王墓”的研讨会,有中国、日本和韩国的学者参加。应会议组织方的请求,王巍所长在会上做了《中国最近发现的东汉末期前后高级贵族墓葬及相关问题》的讲演;日本......
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