中国考古 为您搜到的结果 约有41546项符合 的查询结果, 如下是第 1-10 项(搜索用时0.086秒)
    中国考古学会第十二次年会正在哈尔滨召开,与会代表在探讨学术的同时,也对最近发生在长沙等地的 “12.29”系列古墓被盗案及其侦破,对我国文化遗产保护存在的问题表示了极大的关注和忧虑。
    The Archaeology Department of the Shanghai Administration of Culture Heritage has conducted an excavation at the Fuquanshan site, with 91 delicate artefacts retrieved. The site is located at the western side of Zhonggu Town in Qingpu district. It is one of the prominent prehistoric sites in Shanghai and the Lake Tai region. The site was annou......

Four museums and memorials in northeast Chinese city of Harbin received record high numbers of visitors last weekend since they became free last Thursday.

The Harbin Daily reported that around 10,000 people visited Heilongjiang Province's integrated museum located in Harbin, the provincial capital, on Saturday and Sunday.

The four museu......

    【名称】 隋代四神镜
    【类别】 铜器
  【年代】 隋代四神镜
  【规格】 直径20.2厘米,缘厚0.5厘米
  【文物现状】 藏于首博
  【简介】 隋代四神镜,此物直径20.2厘米,缘厚0.5厘米,半椭圆形钮,外有单线圆圈和双线方框组成的钮座,座框外圈有朱雀、玄武、青龙、白虎四种图案,环带以外铸有铭文“仙山并照,口口音名,花朝艳采,月夜流明,龙盘五瑞,鸾舞......
Zhang Lina published he article “Usage Characteristic and Searching Produing Areas of Xuejiagang Culture Stone” on the third issue of ”RELICS FROM SOUTH” in 2008.In this article she pointed out that after lothological appraising to one batch of Xuejiagang culture stone and searching produing areas of such stone according to the existing geolo......
     The international cooperative project to find the best way for restoring damaged cultural relics at a UNESCO World heritage site in central China's Henan Province has been completed, a senior official with the local cultural relics administration confirmed Wednesday. 
    The project, targeted at Longmen Grottoes in Luoyang City, was jointly......
研究专长:考古物理勘探、 碳十四同位素断代近期研究方向:深层地下金属埋藏物的探测
工作业绩:碳十四制样方面:    在常规碳十四制样系统中进行了制样系统的自动化和数字化革新和改造,具有了独立设计和制作高真空系统的实践......
    大河口墓地位于临汾市翼城县隆化镇大河口村北台地上,西距翼城县城约7公里,墓地北高南低,北倚二峰山,南临浍河支流,西北临浍河干流,即坐落于两河交汇的三角地带。其中1号墓最为重要,出土了大批青铜器、玉石器、漆木器和陶瓷器等。    M1为东西方向,土坑竖穴,口小底大,墓口长425、宽322,墓底长460、宽378、深975厘米,在墓口平面四角外发现4个通向墓壁的斜洞,这是......
By Xu Feng(PH.D)      Supervisor:Wang Wei
This study aimed to investigate the social process of a specific region from the prehistoric to the formation of early state, and then to the eve of Empire been founded. This region included Northern Huai valley and the region between Huai and Yangtze valley. This area has three main characters: th......
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