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According to historical records, Zhang Anshi joined the court as a minister in the reign of Emperor Wu of the Western Han Dynasty more than two-thousand years ago. He then continued to assist three emperors in securing their power. Once again, here's CCTV reporter Li Xiang to explain why archeologists are so sure that the mausoleum complex in Xi'......
A project is under construction to upgrade security arrangements for Mogao Grottoes, a world cultural heritage site in Dunhuang of northwestern China's Gansu Province, Dunhuang Research institute confirmed Sunday. 
    The project embraces a visual monitoring and audio check system, intrusion sirens, entrance control system, wired telecommunicati......
Beijing Municipal Administration of Cultural Heritage announced that they found a type of body armor called a lorica belonging to the Jin Dynasty in an ancient well from the same period at the Lize Business District ruins site on July 4. Officials said it was the first time that a Jin Dynasty lorica has been unearthed, according to






Chen Shengqian,          The Adaptive Changes of the Prehistoric Cultures in the Zones along the Yangshan Mountains and the Great Wall …………………………………………………………… ( 1 )Lian Shaoming,          The Baiji (Supplicating Sacrifices) and Yuji (Exorcising Sacrifices) of the Shang Dynasty …………………………………………………......
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