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         The third scientific excavation of Ding Kiln sites since the establishment of the People's Republic of China was started by the Joint Archaeological Team of Ding Kiln Sites in Quyang consisting of the Hebei Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and the School of Archaeology and Museology, Beijing University on 20th September, 2009. The t......
Cultural experts in central China's Hunan Province have revamped a group of 1,000-year-old frescoes and unveiled the ancient artwork to the public for the first time.

On the revamped frescoes, now kept at Yuelu Academy in the provincial capital Changsha, were the personified images of the 12 animals representing China's birth signs, namely, rat,......
The Xi'an government will invest 12 billion yuan for the reconstruction of ancient walls and will construct four museums at the four ancient city gates, according to a plan by Xi'an government.The "Overall Upgrading Plan of the Xi'an Ancient Walls," conducted by the Qujiang New Zone Management Commission in Xi'an, northwest China's Shaanxi Provin......
Objects from the Taosi ruins in Shanxi Province that suggest Chinese civilization began around 4200 B.P., 500 years earlier than scholars had previously believed, will be displayed in the Capital Museum from July 29 to Oct. 10. The Capital Museum and the Archaeology Institute of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences will hold an archaeological e......
   记者近日从河北省隆尧唐祖陵遗址勘探队了解到,经过文物部门勘探,取得了重大发现,比较清楚地勘探出两座大型陵台,基本确定了唐高祖李渊的四代祖宣皇帝李熙和三代祖光皇帝李天赐的陵墓位置,陵墓布局同唐长安城布局相似。      河北省文物研究所副研究员、隆尧唐祖陵遗址勘探队领队郭济桥说,今年4月份以来,邢台市文管处已经做了前期勘探工作。受河北省文物局委托,河北......

    Photo taken on March 7, 2011 in a tomb of Song Dynasty (960-1279) unearthed in Dengfeng of central China's Henan Province shows a mural reflecting a scene of the daily life of the occupant. Archaeologists recently found a Song dynasty mural tomb with the whole chamber painted with colored drawings in Dengfeng. Experts believe the murals, wh......
       From 1st-4th March 2011, Professor Wang Wei, the head of Institute of Archaeology, CASS, visited Moscow Archaeological Institute of Russia Academy of Sciences at the invitation of Academician Marcorove the head of the Institute.       Moscow Archaeological Institute is one of the three archaeological institutes of Russia Academy of Sci......
Thirteen professionals have arrived at the Maritime Silk Road Museum of Guangdong Province and are preparing for the second indoor trial excavation of the sunken vessel "Nanhai No. 1," according to announcement made by the museum on March 21. The excavation is expected to last for around one month.The second trial excavation will be carried out o......
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