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Phase I relic excavations at Liaowa site  
The vast treasure house of ancient cultural relics buried under the Danjiangkou Reservoir, the source of the central route of the south to north water diversion project, might be flooded and lost forever due to slow rescue efforts, Xinhua reported today. 
According to the General Protection Plan ......
The iconic ancient human fossils from China known as the Peking Man are about 300,000 years older than usually thought, an archaeologist said Thursday. Using a new dating method, a group of Beijing archaeologists concluded in the British journal Nature that the "Peking Man" fossils are about 770,000 years old, beating the previous estimates of 23......
Main contents
Three Gorges Team of the School of Archaeology and Museology, Zhongxian Historic Relic Administration,Year 2000 Unearthing Bulletin for Yajiao Chu Graves in Chongqing Zhongxian   (3)
Sichuan Institute of Historic Relic Archaeology and Research, Zigong Museum of Salt History,Bulletin for Zigong Huangnitushan Cliff Grave Clearing   (1......
Main contents
Xinzheng Work Station of Henan Institrtion of Cultural Relics and Archaeology ,
Several Tang Tombs Excavated at the Old City of Zheng and Han 
States in Xinzheng City …………………………………………………………………………(6)
Zhang Deshui 
On the Meetings of Exploring the Origin of Archaeology and History 
——Conformity of Archa......

The Jilin Provincial Museum of Natural History, located at Changchun, capital of northeast China's Jilin Province, was opened to the public on Sunday Sept. 10, 2006. 



陕西靖边县张家坬西汉墓发掘简报  陕西省考古研究所  榆林市文物考古研究所 (3)

陕西投资策划服务公司汉墓清理简报   陕西省考古研究所  (10)


论中坝遗址与老关庙遗址下层和哨棚嘴遗址新时器时代遗存间的关系   孙智彬 (23)

性别考古与玉璜的社会学观察   陈 淳  孔德贞 (31)

陕西省麟游县园子坪遗址商代遗存分析   雷兴山......
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