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作   者 :浙江省文物考古研究所   丛书名: 楼家桥、?塘山背、尖山湾:浦阳江流域考古报告之二 I S B N :978-7-5010-3088-0   版次: 1 出 版 社:文物出版社   印次: 1 出版日期:2011-03-23   页数: 320 装帧形式:精装   字数: 200千字 开本: 大16开 215*285 定价:280.00元 
内容简介:    近十余年来,浦阳江流域考古工作成果引人注目,继跨湖桥遗址之后,又有上......
   Chinese archaeologists have unearthed a large tomb, possibly the grave of an aristocrat, dating back 2,000 years in the central province of Hunan. 
    The tomb could belong to the eminent Changsha King appointed by an emperor of the Western Han Dynasty (206 BC-AD 24), archaeologists from Changsha Archaeology Research Institute cited initial s......
    我国的文物考古工作经历数十年的发展,取得了丰硕的成果,积累了极为丰富的实物和资料。为适应信息时代的要求,综合运用各种信息开展考古学研究和文物保护工作,必须充分发挥现代田野测绘、遥感、地理信息系统、虚拟现实、数据库和网络等技术的优势,使考古数据的采集、管理、分析和研究更加规范化和标准化,推动考古学研究向纵深发展。    现代田野测绘技术主要包括全球定......
Main Contents
Nanyang Municipal Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology,
An Excavation of the Tomb No.62 and No.84 at the Residential Quarter of Anti – explosive Factory in Nanyang   (4)
【Abstract】The Residential Quarter of Anti – explosive Factory in Nanyang is located at the south side of the eastern Building Road, where some ancient......
By Henan Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology
       The archaeological excavation and drilling exploration at the Juntai Kiln site in Yuzhou, conducted in 1970s as an important and thorough one for cooperating the fundamental construction, supplied a great number of archaeological data for researching the scale, ......
Main Contents
●New Discovery
The Institute of Historical Geology, Wuhan University, Yicheng Municipal Museum,
A Brief Report of Investigations into Zhou Dynasty Site (Part 3) in Yicheng, Hubei   (3)
【Abstract】In November 2007, the institute of historical geology, Wuhan University, in collaboration with Yicheng Municipal Museum in November, 2......
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