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The ruins of 2000-year-old buildings have been found in Kichakbadhsthal, a historic place in Jhapa district in eastern Nepal in the course of excavation.
The remains of walls of buildings made of bricks measuring 36 centimeters long, 26 centimeters wide and 5 centimeters thick have been unearthed, reported the National News Agency RSS on Sunday.


  布 方
  石柱地墓地位于四川省屏山县楼东乡田坝村七组、八组。地处金沙江北岸一至四级台地。2006年,在向家坝水电站淹没区文物复核中发现,分布面积约10万平米。    2010年5月至8月,2010年11月至2011年1月,四川省文物考古研究院组织专业考古队伍对该墓地I区和III区进行了两次大规模考古发掘,共清理新石器时代至明清时期各类遗迹250余个。    ......
Main Contents
Peng She’ s Tomb of the State of Chu from the Spring and Autumn Period in Nanyang,Henan (4)
Nanyang Municipal Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology
【Abstract】 In June of 2008,archaeologists excavated a tomb(M38)of the State of Chu from the late Spring and Autumn period. It was a rectangular vertical-pit tomb with a woode......
A collection of 130 million years old fossils, smuggled from China into Canada seven years ago, was officially transferred to the Chinese government Tuesday.The priceless prehistoric fossils were returned by the Canadian government at a ceremony at the Canadian Museum of Nature in Ottawa, marking the country's first return of culture property to ......


There are problems associated with protecting many of the ruins. Should they be rebuilt or left with their natural appearance?
There are also financial considerations. To rebuild a palace or historic building requires huge amounts of money. The foundations, which are deep under ground, may well have deteriorated and if interesting artifac......
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