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Archaeological work in the ancient city of Kaunos has unearthed a 2,000 year-old saltpan. The ancient city, which dates back to 3,000 years ago, is located in the Dalyan neighborhood in the western province of Muğla’s Ortaca district. 


Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University Rector Professor Mansur Harmandar said they......

  白云翔教授简介:白云翔,男,汉族,1955年12月出生于山东淄博。历史学博士,研究员,德国考古研究院通讯院士。现任中国社会科学院考古研究所副所长,考古研究所学术委员会委员、职称评审委员会副主任,《考古》月刊和《考古学报》季刊编辑委员会副主任、《中国考古学》英文版(Chinese Archaeology)副主编;中国社会科学院研究生院教授、博士生导师,考古系学位评定委员......



    2012年6月1日下午,来自加拿大西门•菲莎大学(Simon Fraser University, SFU)考古系黛博拉•梅里特博士(Deborah C. Merrett, PhD)在考古所多媒体会议室为所内外学者和学生做了“易洛魁人丧葬习俗 - Moatfield遗址人骨坑研究”的学术报告。    报告由科技考古中心主任袁靖研究员主持,他介绍了西门•菲莎大学考古系和黛博拉博士的情况。    黛博拉博士主......

Greek archaeologists believe that they have unearthed ancient Greek general and political leader Pericles' wine cup in a northern Athens suburb, according to media reports on Wednesday.


In an article carried by local daily "Ta Nea" (The News), archaeologist Galini Daskalaki said that the item was found in a grave which was found during ......



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French archaeologists conducted an extensive excavation on the site of Kervouric in Brittany (northwest France), prior to the commercial development of the land. Examination of an area measuring around ​​one hectare found that the first construction in the area dated back to around 4800 BCE.

This important period represents the s......

Culture Relics of Central China



Hemudu culture (5500 BC to 3300 BC) was a Neolithic way of life that flourished just south of Hangzhou Bay in modern Yuyao city, East China's Zhejiang province. It may be divided into early and late phases, before and after 4000 BC respectively.

Pottery from the first period (5000-3000 BC).

Pottery in Hemudu Site Museum casting beaut......
Back in 1985, hikers climbing Argentina’s Aconcagua mountain stumbled upon a ghastly surprise: the frozen corpse of a 7-year-old boy. It was apparent that he’d been there for a long time, so the hikers notified archaeologists, who carefully excavated the body. They determined that the Aconcagua boy, as he came to be known, was sacrifice......
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