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On September 16 a local herdsman found a dried human hand on a little slope in Wensu County located in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. Archaeology authorities have identified the hand as belonging to an ancient mummy. 

Mr. Wang, a witness from a nearby factory, said he went with the herdsman to a nearby area and saw the dried hand sticking......



    Gubanova Lvanova's shopping list in China is surprisingly detailed: tiles for the toilet made in south China, silk flowers from east China and furniture made in China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. 
    Because of people like her from oil-rich Kazakhstan, the wholesale market of construction materials, furnit......
China's largest ever non-official exhibition of jade items opened on Tuesday in Beijing, with some 300 rare ancient jade artifacts on display.

A jade galloping dear, produced during the Tang Dynasty (618-907), is displayed at China's largest non-official exhibition of jade items. The show opened in Beijing on Tuesday, October 9, 2007. 
China ......
Main Contents:
Zhang Wei,
Research on Hongmashan Culture   (1)
Cai Qiang,
The tomb of Northern Yan in Chaoyang   (17)
The offices for the reservation of Anient Monuments, Jiamusi and Huanan,
A preliminary Investigation of the sites of Han and Wei Dynasties in Huanan and Jiamusi, Heilongjiang    (22)
     In 2005, a group, consisted of the......
Main Contents:
Xinxiang Municipal Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology,  Xinxiang County Institute of Cultural Relics,
Excavation of Hougaozhuang site at Xinxiang County, Henan Province   (4)
【Abstract】In May, 2003, Xinxiang Municipal Archaeology Team excavates Hougaozhuang site at Xinxiang county, and discovers some relics of early......





郑州市绿都城小区唐墓发掘简报     郑州市文物考古研究院   (4)

【摘要】2008年3 – 4月,郑州市文物考古研究所为配合郑州市绿都置业有限公司工程建设进行抢救性发掘,共清理古墓葬7座,只有M7残存有陶俑等文物。较完整的随葬器物有28件,时代大致在720年。

【关键词】郑州市;   唐墓;   陶俑

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