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Authorities in north China's Shanxi Province said Wednesday that they are planning to apply for UNESCO World Heritage status for the ruins of a famous battlefield where the State of Qin won its decisive victory over the State of Zhao, which ultimately allowed for the unification of China over 2,000 years ago.
The Battle of Changping, one of histo......
    2011年5月5日至10日,西安文物保护修复中心中德合作紫阳项目组的中方科研人员专程赴紫阳北五省会馆现场,开展了壁画的艺术史研究、壁画修复前数字化影像资料采集,以及分析样品采样选点方案和文物保护环境远程监测设备布设方案的制订等四个方面的工作,标志着陕西省文物局2011年中外科技合作重点项目——中德合作“陕西安康紫阳北五省会馆壁画保护项目”正式启动。    2011......
Main Contents
New Discovery
Hubei Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology
An Excavation Report of the Yangjipodong Site in Jianshi County, Hubei Province (9)
Hubei Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology 
Huangshan Municipal Museum
A report of 2009 Excavation at the Xiezidi Site in Daye County, Hubei Province (18)
The World Heritage Committee of UN Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) on Monday formally started the debates about the qualification of 42 sites to enter the World Heritage List, composed of natural and cultural sites.World Heritage protection is a major challenge for UNESCO, so the session of the committee has a purpose to......
Tombs estimated to date back to the Warring States Period (475BC-221BC) have been excavated in the city of Handan in north Hebei Province.
The 30 tombs were discovered beside a construction site. Also found were 99 pieces of cultural relics, including some bronze and iron wares, jade crafts, pottery and accessories.
Handan was the capital city of......
    2004年在 ICOMOS 文件中第一次界定了14种文化遗产的类型。这14类中既包括考古遗产、历史建筑物及建筑群等传统类型遗产,也包括文化线路等新型遗产,其中还有一类是受到较少关注的军事遗产。从《世界遗产名录》所有项目的“类型”进行的统计分析可以看出,军事遗产的数量明显低于平均水平。世界遗产中心2009年的数据中有69个文......

A visitor views a 3800-year-old mummy during an exhibition featuring archeological findings in northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region at the museum of Pennsylvania University in Philadelphia, Feb. 18, 2011. It is the third leg of the exhibition in the U.S., which will last until March 28, 2011. 

A 3800-year-old mummy is on show duri......
The progress of excavation of the "Nan'ao No. 1" ancient ship is entering its inside, and the discovery and research of the ship will fill the blank of research of trade and commerce ship in late Ming dynasty.Concern on "Nan'ao No. 1" Sun Jian, from National Underwater Heritage Protection Center and also the archaeological team leader for the shi......
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