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The Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) on Tuesday announced the discovery of a unique bracelet in an excavation in northern Israel, dating back to the Late Bronze Age.
The "extraordinarily well preserved" ancient bronze bracelet is decorated with engravings and the top of it is adorned with a horned structure, said Karen Covello-Paran, chief arch......
The Chinese Embassy in Stockholm added a special touch to its National Day celebration by holding it on Monday at the ongoing Terracotta Army exhibition in the Far Eastern Antiquities Museum."We arranged the National Day reception here just in order to show the wonder of China's ancient culture to our guests. I think this is a good chance to show......
    沙坝墓地位于宜宾市屏山县楼东乡沙坝村三组,中心地理坐标北纬28°38′24.8″,东经104°17′12.1″,海拔305米。该墓地主要分布于金沙江北岸一、二、三、四级台地,分布面积约20000平方米。    2007年12月,四川省文物考古研究院为配合向家坝水电站建设,对库区文物点进行复核时发现。2010年6月至10月开始进行发掘,发掘面积3050平方米。发现新石器时期房址3座,灰坑28个。......
China published a plan on Tuesday for the protection of Mogao Grottoes, one of the country's three major Buddhist art treasures, in Dunhuang city of China's northwest Gansu province.The document, which took eight years to complete, was endorsed by the State Administration of Cultural Heritage before coming into effect Tuesday, said Fan Jinshi, cu......
    官亭盆地古遗址群考古研究,是中国社科院考古所甘青队与青海考古所合作的考古课题。1998年调查后提出,1999年启动。喇家遗址的发掘,是课题的一个重要的发掘项目。    该课题拟通过青海民和县官亭盆地遗址群的调查发掘和研究,想从遗址间的横向与纵向关系上去了解遗址群落的分布与分级的状况,从而反映等级关系,从属关系,揭示区域的史前社会政治结构;从早晚关系的前后变......
The governments of five counties in southwest China's Guizhou Province have recovered 80,000 ancient documents of the Miao and Dong ethnic groups.
Most of the documents, called Jinping Writs, are the original records of contracts, account books and county regulations in Jinping, Liping, Tianzhu, Sansui and Jianhe counties in Guizhou.
The records ......
The 11th conference of China Archaeological Society successful closed after 5 days session on October 25. A new council (the fifth council) of the China Archaeological Society, which consists of 104 members, was elected by the more than 120 delegates. Mr. Zhang Zhongpei was elected as the new president of the council, and Wang Wei (direct......

    英国考古学家日前发现了一根距今8000多年的石器时代的绳子,这根绳子长13米,是英国发现的迄今为止最古老的绳子。研究人员通过对该绳子的分析,发现8000年前人们就开始制作小船了。     据英国媒体报道,该绳子是考古学家在英国怀特岛附近,检测一处史前村庄遗址时发现的。当时考古学家发掘的这个史前村庄有一部分木质残......
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