中国考古 为您搜到的结果 约有41546项符合 的查询结果, 如下是第 1-10 项(搜索用时0.279秒)
  昨日,记者在古墓发掘现场看到,发掘工作已进入尾声,考古人员正在清理、测量古墓,古墓石砖上有一些模糊的文字。    据现场考古人员介绍,这座古墓距今有1600多年历史。经过7天的发掘整理,目前,已出土铁器、陶器、瓷器、铜钱珍贵文物35件,还有一颗完好的牙齿。该古墓......

With joint government funding from China and Switzerland, the maintenance project on the Ramoqe Temple in Tibet has been completed and passed the appraisal of specialists, local official sources said. 
It is the first governmental cooperation on Tibetan cultural heritage protection between China and Switzerland, according to Xiao Yuanchun, ......

A small ship collecting iron scrap yesterday pulled up two rusty but live bombs in the Yangtze River, possibly dating from the Opium Wars, the Anti-Japanese Invasion War or the War of Chinese Liberation. 
The fire control bureau was to destroy the shells in a couple of days. 
The Yangtze River Shipping police collected the bombs, which had ......


  记者从河南省焦作市文物部门获悉,日前文物考古工作者在该市一建筑工地内,发现40多座古墓葬,其中发掘了一座战国时期的“殉马坑”。  这40余座墓葬是由焦作市文物工作者在该市解放路东段的一建筑工地挖掘出的。其中有战国时期墓葬、汉代墓葬、宋代墓葬和明清墓葬,其中战国时期墓葬有30余座。  此次发掘的战国墓葬比此前分布密集,不仅出土了战......

Renovation of three major cultural heritage sites in Lhasa, capital of southwest China's Tibet Autonomous Region, is expected to be completed this year, according to a source at the regional cultural relics administration. 
    The central government of China has allocated 333 million yuan (about 46 million U.S. dollars) to repair the Potala......
    中国社会科学院考古研究所河南一队  三门峡市文物考古研究所  灵宝市文物保
    护管理所  荆山黄帝陵管理所…………………………………………………………(3)
Cliff paintings in northern China that date back to prehistoric times face severe damage from natural erosion and human destruction, according to a Chinese archaeological expert.
About 80 percent of ancient cliff or rock paintings in Ningxia, Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang and Qinghai have sustained damage through the forces of erosion and human activi......
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Hubei Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology (HPICRA) and Hubei Provincial Office 
for the Engineering of Shifting Southern Water to the North (HPOESSWN), 2006 Excavation on the Dasi Site in Yunxian County, Hubei ------------------------------------------------------------------------------( 3 )
Archaeology and ......
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